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Toyota Tacoma Pickup 6" Fabtech Kit & Custom 5" Rear lift springs
Customer had a 3" lift block in his 1999 toyota tacoma, his springs were old and broken and wanted to remove the 3" block that was in the kit. So we built him 5" rear springs, the springs still have the capacity so he can tow his ATV's and load the bed with firewood. But the design also gives him a nice plush ride. So cruising up and down the highway will be just that Cruising.
Denali 1500 2015 3" Lift Front and 2" Lift Rear
Denali 1500, Customer wanted to put 35" tires on his truck, so we lifted the truck 3" in the front and another 2" in the rear. This was enough lift on the Denali to accomplish what he wanted.
Chevrolet GMC 2500 1999 - 2010 Custom 8in Rear Lift Springs
Everyday I have a new project to work on. Today I had to work on some chevrolet 2500 rear lift springs - customer wanted to still have factory weight capacity and 8in of lift. Our custom leaf springs are something special, we put alot of time into each leaf pack we build. Not like a mass produced item, we can customize your order. Shipped to Florida
Custom Forklift Springs
Customer brought in some old forklift springs. I guess they have a heavy duty forklift at the wrecking yard, that they were restoring. In most cases someone would not be able to find a spring like this or pay big money to have a Mfg. make 1 from scratch. Anyways it isn't a problem for us to fabricate something like this in a few days depending on what our schedule is like.
Ford Mercury 1959 rear leaf springs
We make all your classic car leaf springs. When it is time to replace those worn out or broken springs, give us a call. Depending on how busy we are we can fabricate up a new set pretty quick. OEM replacement, or customize them for a lower or higher stance.