Its summer time and it is ready to work with your truck. Dodge 1500 don't have much weight capacity available in the rear suspension before your back end is squatting. Install some heavy duty coils and forget about it. TTC-1223 coil spring is the best option. These coils will increase your capacity by 50% more.
(24-187367) BILSTEIN 5100 should be installed in the front if you want the truck to sit 2.75" taller in the front.
Give us a call if you want to have your truck ready to handle some loads this summer.
The TTC-1223 is a great coil, the coil gauge is much thicker then the original coil, thus giving you much more weight capacity as well as firming up the ride in the rear suspension.
The TTC-1223 coil with no weight in the rear and no lift in the front will lift the truck 4". By installing the (24-187367) 5100 Bilstein in the front, the truck will have a 2" rake in the rear when done.